Picnic with friends
Last Sunday we went out to our friends’ “farm” for sort-of an old-fashion picnic. The last time we visited was about three years ago, so this was quite a treat. There were around 40 people (6 families).
We had lots of fun racing…
and playing games like Blind-Man’s-Bluff
The food and fellowship were wonderful! (I wore my newer Civil War dress without the long undersleeves)
My favorite part of the day was in the evening when one of the ladies started playing piano and we gathered around to sing praise songs.
Daniel and Joshua enjoyed seeing all the animals—alive and dead! This is the skull of a mountain lion that one of the men shot. There were also numerous antlers, animal heads and skins around the house. And of course there were also all the live animals—chickens, pheasants, goats, dogs, cats, etc…
Our family stayed late into the evening playing a very funny game around the table and eating snacks.
I almost got to help feed the baby goats, but it was time to leave. All in all, it was a very enjoyable experience!
Posted on June 30, 2009 by Jordan in: family| field trips| fun