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Bethany and friend holding some worms
Bethany and friend holding some worms

Last fall, we started a worm bin in our backyard. We put a layer of dirt in the bottom, then added shredded newspaper and horse manure. Last but not least, we added red worms. Every few days I put in some kitchen scraps and the worms have been turning it into vermicast. Vermicast (worm manure) is used as fertilizer. We have not used any in our garden yet but I hope to use some soon!

Just a few days ago, my mom and I started a new bin. This time we just filled it about half full of shredded paper, a handful of dirt and about thirty worms from our old bin. A little later we buried some apple peelings in the paper to feed them.

Some off my friends like to hold the worms and it seems that most of them are around the age of five! Although I don’t particularly like holding the worms, I do enjoy digging for them and watching them dive for cover when exposed to light. It’s fun to have worms in our backyard.

Posted on February 24, 2005 by Jordan in: gardening