For my daughter's 8th birthday, we set up the tent in my parents' backyard and spent the night.
We roasted mini-marshmallows over a candle...
...and made mini-s'mores.
She performed a magic trick for her Grandma and Papa. We took a "hike" through the backyard (I forgot how much fun it is to make believe in the "rooms" created by low hanging tree branches), where she showed me the secret place where she keeps the treasures she finds in Grandma and Papa's yard. Her most special eggshell she found months ago was still there.
We read knock-knock jokes to each other by flashlight. Sleep eluded me much of the night due to the hardness of the ground (mental note: bring an air matress next time).
I wouldn't trade last night for the world. Happy birthday sweetheart.
Written June 7, 2000. Re-posted June 28, 2000