Click any thumnail for a 640x480 image...

Kim, Steve, Angie, and Kenda...

Jodi (in background), Kenda, Angie, Kim and Mark...

Leaning in for a closer look...

What's playing...

It's hot in Phoenix...

Kenda (iBook), Damien, Kim, and Steve (TiBooks)...

What's Damien up to...

Damien came bearing gifts, including these twin tower souvenirs...

And these holographic mouse pads...


Angie, Brad and Damien...

Good food...

And good company...

After dinner blog...

After Taboo giggles...

After dinner blogging, wirelessly, of course (Mark and Jodi)...

Here's looking at you, Brad...

Damien is working on NY time, so it's really about 1:30 am...

The Gang...

The Mascot...