Elective Skills Activity : Dynamically-generated Content

Mark Newhouse

Template design choices:

Totally blind

For these users we will provide a completely text based site. Everything would be described well (where the site for non-disabled users would have pictures, for example). We would hire a trained describer for any visual multimedia that would be included on the site. Navigation links will be grouped together at the end of the document, with a link to the navigation provided at the top of each page. Forms will be marked up with the accessibility markup that is recommended by the W3C (Legend, Label, Title, etc.) as necessary. Similarly, tables will use accessible markup as well, taking into consideration the bug in the JAWS screen reader. Tables will only be used for tabular data, not for layout. As much as possible, scripting will be relegated to the server rather than the client.

Low Vision

The style sheet for users with low vision will include font sizes that are large, along with larger images, when they are necessary. The style sheet will use relative sizing so that users can adjust the font sizes as necessary for their comfort. Tables and Forms will still use accessible mark-up, and images will have appropriate alt text and long descriptions where necessary.

No use of Hands

The primary consideration for those with limited or no use of their hands is an appropriate navigation system. Since the mouse is impossible to use for these people, grouping the navigation together makes sense. Also providing ways to skip to, or over the navigation is important. We would not use Flash mixed with HTML as once you find yourself in a Flash section, you can't tab out of it. A logical tab order for links and forms will be used as well.

Both Deaf and Blind

Those users who are both Deaf and Blind will get essentially the same page as the blind users, but any audio will be captioned as well.

Down's Syndrome

Those with Down's Syndrome will get a simplified version of the text. The same content will be covered, but using easier to understand language, and broken into smaller parts. Where appropriate, we will provide illustrations and images to make things clearer. Navigational elements will be simplified where possible. Video and audio helps will also be made available for these users.
